My new Book - 2050 Crossroads


I was so excited this morning when I launched this page. I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to living my dream.

For those who've been following my book posts, this is the pre-sale campaign I've been preparing for the past few months. Now that I'm in the revision phases of my manuscript and have New Degree Press as my publisher, I now get to worry about funding the actual publication process!

If you'd like to help me on my publishing journey, please pre-order a signed copy below!

After working on this all year, today feels very surreal. It would be my absolute JOY and privilege to sign, ship, and send out a book of my own personal essays right to your doorstep.

To everyone who's been here for me from the moment I started writing, thank you, thank you, so. freaking. much. today, I actually feel like anything is possible.

PRE-ORDER a signed copy of my book and ticket to Future of Health event! PLEASE SHARE!

I'm incredibly grateful for your support. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!